We're so glad that you've chosen to worship with us! When you arrive in our sanctuary doors, our greeters will be available to guide you around the campus and answer any questions you may have. If you have children, our leaders are there and ready to help you securely check your children into their age-appropriate class. Our greeters will also lead you to a class that is just right for you. As the service is about to begin, our greeters will help you settle in a great seat as we prepare to meet with the Lord through worship and the study of His Word.
Welcome from Lead Pastor Greg Cook
When We Meet
Fellowship (Gather) - 9:00AM |
Small Groups (Group) - 9:15AM | (All ages)
Service (Gather) - 10:30AM |
Bible Study
ReNew (Children grades K-6)
Students Ministry (Grades 7-12)